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Adjective: defenceless  di'fen(t)s-lus
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: defenseless)
  1. Lacking protection or support
    "a defenceless child";
    - defenseless [US]
  2. Lacking weapons for self-defence
    - defenseless [US]
  3. Having no protecting or concealing cover
    "defenceless to mine enemies";
    - naked, defenseless [US]
Adverb: defenceless  di'fen(t)s-lus
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: defenseless)
  1. Without defence
    "the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenceless";
    - defenseless [US], defenselessly [US], defencelessly [Brit, Cdn]

See also: out on a limb, unarmed, unprotected, vulnerable

Encyclopedia: Defenceless