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Adjective: delayed  di'leyd
  1. Not as far along as normal in development
Verb: delay  di'ley
  1. Cause to be slowed down or delayed
    "Traffic was delayed by the bad weather"; "she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform";
    - detain, hold up
  2. Act later than planned, scheduled, or required
    "Don't delay your application to graduate school or else it won't be considered"
  3. Stop or halt
    - stay, detain
  4. Slow the growth or development of
    "The brain damage will delay the child's language development";
    - check, retard

See also: keep, mentally retarded, retarded

Type of: alter, change, decelerate, hold back, hold off, modify, retard, slow, slow down, slow up, wait

Encyclopedia: Delayed
