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Adjective: dogging  dó-ging
  1. Relentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit
    "impossible to escape the dogging fears";
    - persisting
Noun: dogging  dó-ging
Usage: UK, informal
  1. Having sex in a public place
Verb: dog (dogged,dogging)  dog or dóg [N. Amer], dóg [Brit]
  1. Go after with the intent to catch
    "The policeman dogged the mugger down the alley";
    - chase, chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, go after, track
  2. Persistently cause trouble for
    "dogged by reports of shareholder revolt"
  3. Follow closely

Derived forms: doggings

See also: continuous, uninterrupted

Type of: follow, pursue

Encyclopedia: Dogging

Dog, the bounty hunter