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Adjective: furious  fyûr-ee-us
  1. Marked by extreme and violent energy
    "a furious battle";
    - ferocious, fierce, savage
  2. Marked by extreme anger
    "furious about the accident"; "a furious scowl";
    - angered, enraged, infuriated, maddened, ropable [Austral, NZ], ropeable [Austral, NZ]
  3. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
    "furious winds";
    - angry, raging, tempestuous, wild
  4. Feeling or showing extreme anger
    "wilful stupidity makes him absolutely furious";
    - irate, ireful, steaming [informal], fuming, seething, hopping mad [informal], apoplectic [informal], livid

See also: angry, cross, procellous [archaic], stormy, violent

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