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Interjection: hi  hI
Usage: informal
  1. Used as a greeting
    - aloha [US, informal], g'day [Austral, informal], greetings, hello, hiya [informal], hallo, hullo, hey [informal], howdy [informal], howzit [S.Africa, informal], gidday [NZ, informal], yo [informal], wotcha [Brit, informal], wotcher [Brit, informal]
Noun: hi  hI
  1. An expression of greeting
    - hello, hullo, howdy, how-do-you-do, hallo
Noun: H.I.
  1. A group of volcanic and coral islands in the central Pacific
    - Hawaiian Islands, Sandwich Islands
Noun: HI
  1. A state in the United States in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands
    - Hawaii, Hawaii'i, Aloha State, Haw.

Sounds like: heroin, hero, hi, high

Type of: American state, archipelago, greeting, salutation

Part of: America, Polynesia, the States, U.S., U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA

Encyclopedia: Hi, Infidelity