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Adjective: meagrely  mee-gu(r)-lee
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: meagerly)
  1. Deficient in amount, quality or extent
    "meagrely resources";
    - meager [N. Amer], meagre [Brit, Cdn], meagerly [N. Amer], stingy [informal], scrimpy
Adverb: meagrely  mee-gu(r)-lee
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: meagerly)
  1. To a meagre degree or in a meagre manner
    "these voices are meagrely represented at the conference";
    - meagerly [N. Amer], sparingly, slenderly

See also: adequacy, bare, deficient, exiguous, hand-to-mouth, hardscrabble, insufficient, measly, minimal, minimum, miserable, paltry, scanty, scarce, spare, sufficiency