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Adjective: overinflated  'ow-vu-rin'fley-tid
  1. Represented as greater than is true or reasonable
    "an overinflated opinion of oneself";
    - exaggerated, overdone, overstated
Verb: inflate  in'fleyt
  1. Exaggerate or make bigger
    "The charges were inflated";
    - blow up, expand, amplify
  2. Fill with gas or air
    "inflate a balloon";
    - blow up
  3. Cause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit
    "The war inflated the economy"
  4. Become inflated
    "The sails inflated";
    - balloon, billow

See also: immoderate

Type of: alter, change, expand, increase, modify

Antonym: deflate

Encyclopedia: Inflate