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Noun: semi  se-mee or 'se,mI [N. Amer], se-mee [Brit]
  1. One of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament
    - semifinal, semi-final
  2. [N. Amer, informal] A truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
    - trailer truck, tractor trailer, trucking rig, rig [N. Amer], articulated lorry [Brit]
  3. [N. Amer, informal] A trailer having wheels only in the rear; the front is supported by the towing vehicle
    - semitrailer [N. Amer], trailer
  4. [Brit, informal] A house that is attached to another house on only one side
    - semi-detached house
Prefix: semi-  se-mee or 'se,mI [N. Amer], se-mee [Brit]
  1. Partly, to some degree, partly similar
    "semi-homemade"; "semi-intelligent thoughts";
    - quasi-
  2. Half

Derived forms: semis

Type of: abode, domicil [rare], domicile, dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, lorry [Brit], match, motortruck [N. Amer], trailer, truck

Part of: elimination tournament

Encyclopedia: Semi
