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Adjective: telltale  'tel,teyl
  1. Disclosing unintentionally something concealed
    "a telltale panel of lights";
    - revealing, telling
Noun: telltale  'tel,teyl
  1. Someone who gossips indiscreetly
    - tattletale [US], tattler, taleteller, talebearer, blabbermouth [informal], blabber [informal]
  2. [Brit, informal] Someone who reports another person's wrongdoings to someone in authority
    "I told the teacher that I'm not a telltale and didn't want to get involved";
    - grass [Brit, informal], snitch [informal], tattletale [US, informal], talebearer [archaic], rat [informal], squealer [informal]

Derived forms: telltales

See also: informative, informatory

Type of: betrayer, blabber [informal], gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, informer, newsmonger, rat [informal], rumormonger [US], rumourmonger [Brit, Cdn], squealer

Encyclopedia: Telltale, Incorporated