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Noun: alternative  ol'tur-nu-tiv [N. Amer], ól'tur-nu-tiv or ol'tur-nu-tiv [Brit]
  1. One of a number of things from which only one can be chosen
    "there is no other alternative";
    - option, choice
Adjective: alternative  ol'tur-nu-tiv [N. Amer], ól'tur-nu-tiv or ol'tur-nu-tiv [Brit]
  1. Serving or used in place of another
    "an alternative plan";
    - alternate, substitute
  2. Necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities
    "alternative possibilities were neutrality or war"
  3. Pertaining to unconventional choices
    "an alternative life style"

Derived forms: alternatives

See also: disjunctive, secondary, unconventional

Type of: deciding, decision making

Encyclopedia: Alternative