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Noun: apparel  u'per-ul or u'pa-rul [N. Amer], u'pa-rul [Brit]
  1. Clothing in general
    "she was refined in her choice of apparel";
    - wearing apparel, dress, clothes, gear [informal], toggery [informal]
Verb: apparel (apparelled,apparelling, or [US] appareled,appareling)  u'per-ul or u'pa-rul [N. Amer], u'pa-rul [Brit]
  1. Provide with clothes or put clothes on
    - dress, clothe, enclothe, garb, raiment [archaic], tog [informal], garment, habilitate [archaic], fit out

Derived forms: apparels, apparelling, apparelled, appareling

Type of: article of clothing, change state, clothing, duds [informal], habiliment [archaic], threads [informal], togs [informal], turn, vesture, wear, wearable

Encyclopedia: Apparel