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Adjective: constituted  'kón-sti,t(y)oo-tid
  1. Brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established
    "distrust the constituted authority";
    - established
Verb: constitute  'kón-sti,t(y)oot
  1. Form or compose
    "These constitute my entire belonging";
    - represent, make up, comprise, be
  2. Create and charge with a task or function
    "constitute a committee";
    - appoint, name, nominate
  3. To compose or represent
    "This wall constitutes the background of the stage setting";
    - form, make
  4. Set up or lay the groundwork for
    "constitute a new department";
    - establish, found, plant, institute

See also: deep-rooted, deep-seated, entrenched, grooved, implanted, ingrained, legit [informal], legitimate, official, old line, old-line, planted, recognised [Brit], recognized, self-constituted, self-established, well-established, well-grooved

Type of: initiate, pioneer

Antonym: unestablished