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Verb: dang  dang
Usage: N. Amer, informal
  1. Wish harm upon; invoke evil upon
    "The bad witch danged the child";
    - curse, beshrew [archaic], damn, bedamn [archaic], anathemize, anathemise [Brit], imprecate, maledict [archaic], doggone [N. Amer, informal]
Interjection: dang  dang
Usage: N. Amer, informal
  1. Exclamation of annoyance
    - blast, bother [Brit], botheration, bummer [informal], curses, damn, damnation, dammit [informal], damn it [informal], darn [informal], dash [Brit, informal], durn [US, dialect], drat [informal], hang [informal], tarnation [N. Amer, informal], shoot [N. Amer, informal]

Derived forms: danged, danging, dangs

Type of: arouse, bring up, call down, call forth, conjure, conjure up, evoke, invoke, put forward, raise, stir

Encyclopedia: Dang, Iran