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Adjective: downtown  'dawn'tawn
Usage: N. Amer
  1. Of or located in the lower part of a town, or in the business center
    "downtown Manhattan"; "delinquents roaming the downtown streets"
Noun: downtown  'dawn'tawn
Usage: N. Amer
  1. The central area or commercial center of a town or city
    "the heart of Birmingham's downtown";
    - business district
Adverb: downtown  'dawn'tawn
Usage: N. Amer
  1. Toward or in the lower or central part of town
Noun: down town
Usage: N. Amer
  1. The center of a city
    - civic center [US], municipal center [US], civic centre [Brit, Cdn], municipal centre [Brit, Cdn]

Derived forms: downtowns, down towns

Type of: city district, hub

Antonym: uptown [N. Amer]

Part of: city, metropolis, urban center [US], urban centre [Brit, Cdn]

Encyclopedia: Downtown, Sacramento, California

Down town