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Adjective: footling  foo-tu-ling or foot-ling
Usage: informal
  1. Small and of little importance
    "a footling gesture";
    - fiddling [informal], lilliputian [informal], little [informal], niggling [informal], piddling [informal], piffling [informal], petty [informal], picayune [N. Amer, informal], trivial [informal], niggly [informal], piddly [informal]
Verb: footle  foo-t(u)l
Usage: informal
  1. Spend time in one place doing little or wasting time
    "The high school students like to footle in the Central Square";
    - loiter, lounge, lollygag [N. Amer, informal], loaf [informal], lallygag [N. Amer, informal], hang around, mess about, tarry, linger, lurk, mill about, mill around, dilly-dally [informal], dillydally [informal], mooch [Brit, informal]
  2. Act foolishly, as by talking nonsense

See also: unimportant

Type of: act, be, behave, do