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Adjective: isolated  'I-su,ley-tid
  1. Not close together in time
    "isolated instances of rebellion";
    - stray
  2. Being or feeling set or kept apart from others
    "could not remain the isolated figure he had been";
    - detached, separated, set-apart, out on a limb
  3. Marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements
    "little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara";
    - disjunct
  4. Cut off or left behind
    "an isolated pawn";
    - marooned, stranded
  5. Under forced isolation especially for health reasons
    "isolated patients";
    - quarantined
  6. Remote and separate physically or socially
    "tiny isolated villages remote from centres of civilization";
    - apart, obscure, out on a limb
Verb: isolate  'I-su,leyt
  1. Separate in order to protect or prevent interaction
    "They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates";
    - insulate
  2. (chemistry) obtain in pure form
    "The chemist managed to isolate the compound"
  3. Set apart from others
    "The dentist isolates the tooth he is working on";
    - sequester, sequestrate, keep apart, set apart
  4. (psychology) separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them

See also: segregated, separate, sporadic, unaccompanied, unconnected, unintegrated

Type of: acquire, assort, class, classify, discriminate, disunite, divide, get, part, separate, single out, sort, sort out

Encyclopedia: Isolated
