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Noun: kinaesthesia  ,ki-nis'thee-zhu
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: kinesthesia)
  1. The perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc
    - kinesthesia [N. Amer], feeling of movement
  2. The ability to feel movements of the limbs and body
    - kinesthesis [N. Amer], kinaesthesis [Brit, Cdn], kinesthesia [N. Amer], kinesthetics [N. Amer], muscle sense, sense of movement

Type of: proprioception, somaesthesia [Brit, Cdn], somaesthesis [Cdn], somataesthesis, somatesthesia, somatic sense, somatic sensory system, somatosense, somatosensory system, somesthesia [N. Amer], somesthesis [N. Amer]

Encyclopedia: Kinaesthesia