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Adjective: mangled  mang-guld
  1. Having edges that are jagged from injury
    "The evidence indicates that national security is mangled by special interests";
    - lacerate, lacerated, torn
Verb: mangle  mang-gul
  1. Press with a mangle
    "mangle the sheets"
  2. Injure badly by beating
    - maul
  3. Alter so as to make unrecognizable
    "The tourists mangled the French language";
    - mutilate, murder
  4. Damage or injure severely
    "The madman mangles art work";
    - mutilate, cut up

See also: injured

Type of: blemish, damage, deface, disfigure, distort, falsify, garble, iron, iron out, press, warp

Encyclopedia: Mangle