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Verb: mess up
  1. Make a mess of, destroy or ruin
    "I messed up the dinner and we had to eat out";
    - botch, bodge [Brit, informal], bumble, fumble, botch up, muff [informal], blow, flub [N. Amer, informal], screw up [informal], spoil, muck up [informal], bungle, fluff [informal], bobble [N. Amer], mishandle, louse up [informal], foul up, butcher, goof up [informal], cock up [Brit, informal], balls up [informal], make a hash of [informal]
  2. Disturb the smoothness of
    "mess up the surface of the water";
    - ruffle, ruffle up, rumple
  3. Make a mess of or create disorder in
    "He messed up his room";
    - mess
Noun: mess-up  mes úp
Usage: Brit, informal
  1. Something badly botched or muddled
    - cockup [Brit, informal], botch-up [Brit, informal]

Derived forms: messing up, messed up, mess-ups, messes up

Type of: disarrange, disarray, disorder, error, fail, fault, go wrong, miscarry, mistake