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Adjective: mocking  mó-king
  1. Abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule
    "her mocking smile";
    - derisive, gibelike, jeering, taunting, cynical
  2. Playfully vexing (especially by ridicule)
    "his face wore a somewhat mocking almost impertinent air";
    - teasing, quizzical
Verb: mock  mók
  1. Treat with contempt
    "The new constitution mocks all democratic principles";
    - bemock
  2. Imitate with mockery and derision
    "The children mocked their handicapped classmate"

See also: disrespectful, ludic [formal], playful

Type of: copy, do by, handle, imitate, simulate, treat

Encyclopedia: Mocking

Mock, Judson, Voehringer Company Hosiery Mill