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Adjective: necked  nekt
  1. Having a neck or having a neck especially as specified
Verb: neck  nek
  1. Make or become more narrow or restricted
    - narrow, contract
  2. [informal] Kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion
    "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car";
    - make out [informal], pash [Austral, NZ, informal]
  3. [Brit, informal] To swallow hurriedly, greedily or in one draught
    "The men necked down their beers";
    - gulp, quaff, swig, slug [informal]

See also: décolleté, high-necked, low-cut, low-necked, necklike, throated

Type of: change, drink, imbibe, pet

Antonym: neckless

Encyclopedia: Necked

Neck, North Holland