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Adjective: psychoneurotic  ,sI-kow-n(y)û'ró-tik [N. Amer], ,sI-kow-nyû'ró-tik [Brit]
  1. Affected with emotional disorder
    - neurotic
Noun: psychoneurotic  ,sI-kow-n(y)û'ró-tik [N. Amer], ,sI-kow-nyû'ró-tik [Brit]
  1. A person suffering from neurosis
    - neurotic, mental case

Derived forms: psychoneurotics

See also: aboulic, abulic, compulsive, delusional, disturbed, hypochondriac, hypochondriacal, hysteric, hysterical, maladjusted, megalomaniacal, megalomanic, monomaniacal, nymphomaniac, nymphomaniacal, obsessional, obsessive, obsessive-compulsive, pathological, phobic, psychosomatic, schizoid

Type of: diseased person, sick person, sufferer

Antonym: unneurotic

Encyclopedia: Psychoneurotic