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Verb: recapture  ree'kap-chu(r)
  1. Experience anew
    "She could not recapture that feeling of happiness"
  2. Take up anew
    "The author recaptures an old idea here"
  3. Take back by force, as after a battle
    "The military forces managed to recapture the fort";
    - retake
  4. Capture again
    "recapture the escaped prisoner";
    - retake
Noun: recapture  ree'kap-chu(r)
  1. A legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount
  2. The act of taking something back
    - retaking

Derived forms: recapturing, recaptured, recaptures

Type of: capture, catch, experience, feel, get, recovery, retrieval, seizure, take

Encyclopedia: Recapture