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Adjective: unpleasant  ,ún'ple-zunt
  1. Offensive or disagreeable; causing discomfort or unhappiness
    "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odours"

See also: acerb, acerbic, acid, acidulous, acrid, afflictive, awful, beastly [informal], bitter, blistering, caustic, cringeworthy, cringey, cringy, disagreeable, displeasing, dour, embarrassing, forbidding, god-awful [informal], grim, harsh, hellacious [N. Amer, informal], hellish [informal], horrible [informal], hot, ill-natured, inaesthetic, mortifying, nasty, offensive, painful, pleasantness, pleasurableness, rebarbative, repellant, repellent, rough, sharp, sharp-worded, sore, sulfurous [N. Amer], sulphureous [Brit], sulphurous [Brit, Cdn], sweetness, tart, unaesthetic, ungrateful, unhappy, unpalatable, unpleasing, virulent, vitriolic

Antonym: pleasant

Encyclopedia: Unpleasant