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Verb: join  joyn
  1. Make contact or come together
    "The two roads join here";
    - conjoin [formal]
  2. Cause to become joined or linked
    "join these two parts so that they fit together"
  3. Become part of; become a member of a group or organization
    "He joined the Communist Party as a young man";
    - fall in, get together
  4. Come into the company of
    "She joined him for a drink"
  5. Be or become joined or united or linked
    "Our paths joined";
    - connect, link, link up, unite
Noun: join  joyn
  1. The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made
    - articulation, joint, juncture, junction
  2. A set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets
    - union, sum

Derived forms: joins, joining, joined

Type of: connect, connection, connexion [Brit], link, link up, set, tie

Antonym: disjoin

Encyclopedia: Join, or die