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Adjective: incompatible  ,in-kum'pa-tu-bul
  1. Not compatible
    "incompatible personalities"; "incompatible colours"
  2. Used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect
    - antagonistic
  3. Not suitable to your tastes or needs
    "the incompatible roommates were always fighting";
    - uncongenial
  4. Incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification
  5. Of words so related that one contrasts with the other
    "'rich' and 'hard-up' are incompatible terms";
    - contrastive
  6. (of a couple) not compatible; unsuitably matched
    "protracted anguish of an incompatible union";
    - ill-sorted, mismated, unsuited, ill-assorted, ill-suited
  7. Not compatible with other facts
    - discrepant
  8. Not in keeping with what is correct or proper
    "completely incompatible behaviour";
    - inappropriate, out of keeping, unfitting
  9. Used especially of solids or solutions; incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture

See also: antacid, antagonistic, antiphlogistic, antonymous, clashing, contradictory, different, disagreeable, immiscible, incongruous, inconsistent, inharmonious, mismatched, mutually exclusive, non-miscible, out of line, out of order [Brit], uncongenial, unfriendly, unharmonious, unmixable, unsympathetic

Antonym: compatible, congenial, synergistic

Encyclopedia: Incompatible