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Adjective: loud (louder,loudest)  lawd
  1. Characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity
    "a group of loud children"; "loud thunder"; "her voice was too loud"; "loud trombones"
  2. (used chiefly as a direction or description in music) indicating that said piece or segment should be played loudly
    "the loud passages in the composition";
    - forte
  3. Tastelessly showy
    "loud sport shirts";
    - brassy [informal], cheap, flash [informal], flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, meretricious, tacky [informal], tatty [informal], tawdry, trashy
Adverb: loud  lawd
  1. With relatively high volume
    "he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him";
    - loudly, aloud

Derived forms: loudest, louder

See also: audible, big, blaring, blasting, clarion, deafening, earsplitting, earthshaking, fortemente, fortissimo, gobby [Brit, informal], harsh-voiced, hearable, intensity, loud-mouthed, loudness, loud-voiced, mouthy [informal], noisy, shattering, shouted, tasteless, thunderous, thundery, trumpet-like, vocal, volume, yelled

Antonym: soft

Encyclopedia: Loud, Proud & Heavy: The Best Of Uriah Heep