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Adjective: total  tow-t(u)l
  1. Constituting the full quantity or extent; complete
    "a total failure";
    - entire, full
  2. Complete in extent or degree and in every particular
    "a total eclipse";
    - full
Noun: total  tow-t(u)l
  1. The whole amount
    - sum, totality, aggregate
  2. A quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
    - sum, amount
Verb: total (totalled,totalling, or [US] totaled,totaling)  tow-t(u)l
  1. Add up in number or quantity
    - number, add up, come, amount
  2. Determine the sum of
    - tot, tot up, sum, sum up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add up
  3. [N. Amer, S.Africa, informal] Damage beyond the point of repair
    "My son totaled our new car"; "the rock star totals his guitar at every concert"

Derived forms: totaling, totaled, totals, totalling, totalled

See also: complete, whole

Type of: be, count, damage, enumerate, number, numerate, quantity, unit, whole

Encyclopedia: Total