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Noun: wrinkle  ring-kul
  1. A slight depression or fold in the smoothness of a surface
    "ironing gets rid of most wrinkles";
    - furrow, crease, crinkle, seam, line
  2. A minor difficulty
    "they finally have the wrinkles pretty well ironed out"
  3. A clever method of doing something (especially something new and different)
Verb: wrinkle  ring-kul
  1. Gather or contract into wrinkles or folds; pucker
    "wrinkle ones's lips";
    - purse
  2. Make wrinkled or creased
    "wrinkle one's brow";
    - furrow, crease
  3. Become wrinkled, crumpled or creased
    "This fabric won't wrinkle";
    - rumple, crumple, crease, crinkle
  4. [archaic] Make wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface; make a pressed, folded or wrinkled line in; 'crisp' is archaic
    "The dress got wrinkled";
    - ruckle [archaic], crease [archaic], crinkle [archaic], scrunch [archaic], scrunch up [archaic], crisp [archaic]

Derived forms: wrinkling, wrinkles, wrinkled

Type of: contract, depression, difficultness, difficulty, fix [informal], fold, fold up, hole [informal], impression, imprint, jam [informal], kettle of fish [informal], mess [informal], method, muddle [informal], pickle [informal], turn up

Part of: cutis, skin, tegument

Encyclopedia: Wrinkle