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Noun: attendant  u'ten-dunt
  1. Someone who waits on or attends to the needs of another
    - attender, tender
  2. A person who is present and participates in a meeting
    "he was a regular attendant at department meetings";
    - attender, attendee, meeter
  3. An event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another
    - accompaniment, concomitant, co-occurrence
Adjective: attendant  u'ten-dunt
  1. Being present (at a meeting or event, etc.)
    "attendant members of the congregation"
  2. Occurring with or following as a consequence
    "an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems"; "attendant circumstances";
    - consequent, accompanying, concomitant, incidental, ensuant, resultant, sequent, collateral

Derived forms: attendants

See also: present, subsequent

Type of: aid, assistant, happening, help, helper, natural event, occurrence, occurrent, participant, player, supporter

Encyclopedia: Attendant