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Adjective: overdressed  ,ow-vu(r)'drest
  1. Dressed too elaborately
    "I was wondering if I had overdressed for the evening"
Verb: overdress  ,ow-vu(r)'dres
  1. Dress too warmly
    "You should not overdress the child--she will be too hot";
    - overclothe
  2. Put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
    "She never overdresses, even when she goes to the opera";
    - dress up, fig out [informal], fig up [informal], deck up, gussy up [N. Amer, informal], fancy up [informal], trick up, deck out, trick out, prink, attire, get up, rig out, tog up [informal], tog out [informal], doll up [informal]

See also: clad, clothed

Type of: apparel, clothe, dress, enclothe, fit out, garb, garment, get dressed, habilitate [archaic], raiment [archaic], tog [informal]

Antonym: underdress

Encyclopedia: Overdressed