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Noun: relegating  're-lu,gey-ting
  1. Authorizing subordinates to make certain decisions
    - delegating, delegation, relegation, deputation
Verb: relegate  're-lu,geyt
  1. Refer to another person for decision or judgment
    "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues";
    - pass on, submit
  2. Assign to a lower position; reduce in rank
    "She was relegated because she always speaks up";
    - demote, bump, break, kick downstairs
  3. Expel, as if by official decree
    "he was relegated from his own country";
    - banish, bar
  4. Assign to a class or kind
    "People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms";
    - classify

See also: reach

Type of: assign, attribute, authorisation [Brit], authorization, delegate, depute, designate, empowerment, expel, kick out [informal], submit, throw out