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Adjective: sulfurised  'súl-fu,rIzd
Usage: Brit (N. Amer: sulfurized)
  1. Treated or impregnated with sulphur
    "sulfurised hydrogen";
    - sulphuretted [Brit, Cdn], sulfurized [N. Amer], sulfuretted [N. Amer], sulphurised [Brit]
Noun: sulfur  súl-fu(r)
Usage: N. Amer (elsewhere: sulphur)
  1. An abundant tasteless odourless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions)
    - S, sulphur [Brit, Cdn], atomic number 16
Verb: sulfur  súl-fu(r)
Usage: N. Amer (elsewhere: sulphur)
  1. Treat with sulphur in order to preserve
    "These dried fruits are sulfured";
    - sulphur [Brit, Cdn]

Type of: chemical element, element, process, treat

Part of: black powder, metabolic indican, oil of vitriol, sulfide [N. Amer], sulfuric acid [N. Amer], sulphide [Brit, Cdn], sulphuric acid [Brit, Cdn], urinary indican, vitriol

Encyclopedia: Sulfur, Louisiana