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Noun: angling  ang-gling
  1. Fishing with a hook and line (and usually a pole)
Verb: angle  ang-gul
  1. Move or proceed at an angle
    "he angled his way into the room"
  2. To incline or bend from a vertical position
    - lean, tilt, tip, slant
  3. Seek indirectly
    "angle for compliments";
    - fish
  4. Fish with a hook
  5. Present with a bias
    - slant, weight
  6. Place (something) at an angle
    "angle the mirror to see better"

Derived forms: anglings

Type of: bend, bias, fish, fishing, flex, go, locomote, look for, move, predetermine, search, seek, skew, sportfishing, travel

Encyclopedia: Angling

Angle, Pembrokeshire