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Noun: assigning  u'sI-ning
  1. The act of distributing something to designated places or persons
    "the first task is the assigning of an address to each datum";
    - assignment
Verb: assign  u'sIn
  1. Allocate a task to a person
    - delegate, designate, depute
  2. Give out
    "We were assigned new uniforms";
    - allot, portion
  3. Associate ownership or authorship with
    "People assign great cleverness to cats";
    - impute, ascribe, attribute
  4. Select something or someone for a specific purpose
    "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise";
    - specify, set apart
  5. Attribute or give
    - put
  6. Make undue claims to having
    - arrogate
  7. Transfer one's right to
  8. Decide as to where something belongs in a scheme
    "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class";
    - attribute

Type of: administer, allot, apply, appoint, arrogate, charge, choose, claim, deal, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, distribution, dole, dole out, employ, evaluate, judge, lay claim, lot, mete, mete out, parcel out, pass judgment, pick out, select, take, transfer, use, utilise [Brit], utilize

Encyclopedia: Assign