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Verb: batter  ba-tu(r)
  1. Strike against forcefully
    "Winds battered the tent";
    - buffet, knock about
  2. Strike violently and repeatedly
    "She battered the man who tried to attack her";
    - clobber [informal], baste
  3. Make a dent or impression in
    "batter a soft hat";
    - dinge
Noun: batter  ba-tu(r)
  1. (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
    - hitter, slugger, batsman
  2. A liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking

Derived forms: batters, battered, battering

See also: knock

Type of: ballplayer, baseball player, beat, beat up, change form, change shape, concoction, deform, intermixture, mixture, strike, work over

Encyclopedia: Batter