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Verb: desert  de-zu(r)t
  1. Leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
    "The mother deserted her children";
    - abandon, forsake [literary], desolate
  2. Leave (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army
    "If soldiers deserted Hitler's army, they were shot";
    - defect
  3. Leave behind
    "the students deserted the campus after the end of exam period"
Noun: desert  de-zu(r)t
  1. (usually plural) a person's deservingness of or entitlement to reward or punishment
  2. Arid land with little or no vegetation

Sounds like: descendant, descendentt, desser

Derived forms: deserts, deserted, deserting

Type of: biome, cut and run [informal], deservingness, flee, fly, go away, go forth, leave, merit, meritoriousness, off [informal], parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, take flight, tract

Encyclopedia: Desert, Texas