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Adjective: exhausted  ig'zos-tid or eg'zos-tid
  1. Extremely exhausted
    "the day's shopping left her exhausted";
    - knackered [Brit, informal], drained, zonked [informal], zonked out [informal], stonkered [Brit, Austral, NZ, informal], deadbeat [Brit, informal], shagged out [Brit, informal], shagged [Brit, informal], shattered [Brit, informal], dog-tired [informal], fagged [Brit, informal], fatigued, played out, spent, washed-out, worn-out, worn out, gone, shot [informal], fried [N. Amer, informal], pooped [N. Amer, informal]
  2. Depleted of content, energy, force, strength; have nothing left
    "impossible to grow tobacco on the exhausted soil"; "the exhausted food sources"; "exhausted oil wells";
    - spent, done
  3. Drained physically
    "the day's events left her completely exhausted--her strength drained"
Verb: exhaust  ig'zost or eg'zost
  1. Wear out completely
    "This kind of work exhausts me";
    - wash up, beat [informal], tucker [N. Amer, informal], tucker out [N. Amer, informal]
  2. Use (resources or materials) over time in order to function
    "We exhausted our savings";
    - consume, eat up, use up, eat, deplete, run through, wipe out
  3. Deplete, exhaust or weaken
    "exhaust one's savings";
    - run down, play out, sap, tire
  4. Use up the whole supply of
    "We have exhausted the food supplies"
  5. Eliminate (a substance)
    "combustion products are exhausted in the engine";
    - discharge, expel, eject, release
  6. Bring out, discuss or develop completely
    "to exhaust a subject"

See also: drained, tired, use

Type of: drop, empty, expend, fag [informal], fag out [Brit, informal], fatigue, jade, knacker [Brit, informal], outwear, spend, tire, tire out, wear, wear down, wear out, wear upon, weary

Encyclopedia: Exhausted
